Tea Salon Takizme Harvest Moon Event

Sep 29th (Fri.) @TAKIZME Tea House

Open 17:30-22:30

Reservation :https://takizme.jp/collections/tea-course/products/tea-salon-takizme-harvest-moon-event


本イベントでは月見団子と2種の茶割りを飲み比べいただけるコースをご用意しております。(ノンアルコールはCOLD BREW CHAの飲み比べをご用意しております)



We will offer a course of tsukimi dango(Moon rice dumplings) and two types of tea cocktail for you to compare. (non-alcoholic drinks available)

The Harvest Moon was introduced from China and has become a familiar event in Japan as a day to wish for good health and prosperity. Since the moon was considered to be at its most beautiful during the year, aristocrats in the Heian period composed waka poems while viewing the moon. This event will also feature a photography campaign to help you enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival even more.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.
